All Campuses
(ages 2 ½ -6) (Early Childhood-Kindergarten)
September - June
Dr. Montessori developed the early childhood program based on
child development at this exciting age. Dr. Montessori realized
that children are capable of so much more than we typically
give them credit. That is why the HMS Early Childhood program
has such tremendous breadth and depth. The foundational goal
of the Early Childhood program is for the child to develop a sense
of order, concentration skills, coordination and independence
(OCCI). These are the foundation because without them, children
do not have the necessary focus and skills to become successful
students. But the curriculum is so much more than OCCI.
Realizing the potential of young children, Dr. Montessori included
Practical Life, Sensorial, Language (reading and writing), Math,
Science (Earth science, astronomy, botany, zoology and anatomy),
Cultural (geography, social studies, peace education). At HMS we
enrich this already fantastic curriculum with Art, Music and
Movement, Spanish and Physical Education.
In the Montessori program, each child is given individual lessons that contain kinesthetic, auditory and visual components. What does that mean? Every child’s needs are met – no matter what style of learner they are, no matter how quickly they master material, no matter how slowly they need to go in a subject they find more challenging. Children are not bored waiting for others to catch up, nor left behind because they simply needed more time to master a concept. Please note that we work for mastery and true understanding, not rote memorization.
Another important aspect of the Montessori Early Childhood program is the multi-age classroom. Younger children develop intrinsic motivation because they want to do what they see the older children doing. Older children solidify their mastery of a subject when helping to teach a younger child. The children also have the opportunity to experience different social roles, no matter what their birth order might be. Lastly, the children develop leadership skills as they move through the three-year program.
Last, but not least, the Montessori program is unique as it addresses the development of the whole child. Grace and courtesy is continually taught and reinforced as a foundation of social development. Lessons to assist children with emotional development are included, in addition to, fine and gross motor development.